Alexa Rank vs Google Page Rank

Alexa Rank vs Google Page Rank

In my blogging journey I have seen a lot of peoples around worrying about Alexa Rank vs Google Page Rank but very few of them are worried about Alexa Rank

Alexa Rank vs Google Page Rank
Alexa Rank vs Google Page Rank

Web page rank is a metric that measures website traffic based on browsing behavior. The two most widely referenced tools are Alexa and Google PageRank. While both provide the public with useful information, they each go about calculating their results in very different ways.


Alexa bases its ranking on tracking information provided by users who have installed it's toolbar. The toolbar offers several useful tools such as a popup blocker, search box, and hot pages; as well as displaying the Alexa Rank of the site being viewed. Alexa traffic rankings can help you gage the popularity of a site.
You can boost your sites Alexa ranking by:
  1. Going to and editing your site listing.
  2. Downloading and urging visitors to your site to download the Alexa toolbar.
  3. Placing the "Alexa Rank" button on your site.
Because it's metrics are only based on the stats generated by it's users, Alexa ranking is not accurate but it can be a useful tool for analysis of site traffic and web trends. 

Google PageRank

Google PageRank's  uses an algorithm originally designed by its founders, Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin to rank websites. The algorithm analyzes incoming links as a way to measure a sites "importance." Simply put, Google PageRank asks two questions:
  1. How many sites link to a specific web page?
  2. What is the value of those links?
Lets say you are reading two sites about presidential politics. Both sites have the exact same information and five outside links referencing them. However, site A has links from CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times. Site A would having a higher Google PageRank due to the fact that 3 of the 5 incoming links are from reputable, well known sites.
Until recently, Google PageRank suffered from being susceptible to artificial enhancement by attracting links with keyword-rich "filler" content. An algorithm update in the last few years has put the emphasis back on the original work and now makes Google PageRank a helpful mechanism for measuring the success of a site.
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Google Page Rank

Alexa Rank vs Google Page Rank
Google Page Rank


People loves to make Page Rank High for their website. I have seen a lot of websites which provides very less information but having high Page Rank.They love to build PR because they have only motive to sell their websites . However its very hard to earn Page Rank.
But I don’t think Page Rank matters for traffic from Google . Lets take Example of my blog
EduWays , Its just 3 Months old blog made by me and having PR 0 at this time but when it comes to traffic I have beaten a lot of Bloggers in my Niche . So does PR still matters ?
Some Points About Google Page Rank
1. If your PR is high then Advertiser won’t think much while displaying Ads on your website .And that’s the reason most of peoples are worried about their website’s Page Rank .
2. If you are having PR Zero like Mine Blog then it doesn’t means you won’t get traffic from Google . As explained above my blog EduWays is having PR 0 yet I am getting daily 12-15K page views and 90% of my traffic comes from Big G .
3. We are not saying that Page Rank Zero rocks but don’t worry much about it.Just keep posting fresh content to attract more visitors and get search engine juice .Make comment on other blogs and let Google to decide it for you .

Alexa Ranking

Alexa Rank vs Google Page Rank
Alexa Ranking


Based on my experience with Alexa Ranking System I can say its not hard to get better Alexa Rank. Actually Alexa Rank depends on your blog niche and then on your traffic .
Lets take example of my two blogs :-
Technoupdates.Org got Alexa Rank of 11 Lakhs within 1 Month whereas for EduWays it took 3 Months . Time is not a Factor here but both posts and traffic are.
At Technoupdates I am having 32 Articles at that time whereas at EduWays I have 800 Articles .Daily Visitors at Eduways are 4000-4500 while Technoupdates  is getting only 90-120 daily visits .
So from above information we can say that Alexa Rank depends on traffic and niche.You may notice that Blogging, SEO,Technology etc related Niche Blogs are getting very high Alexa Rank within very less time . Its all because of Alexa Toolbar . If you have Alexa Browser Toolbar installed then it will improve Alexa rank of websites you visit most . So if your blog is about Blogging then there will be a lot of peoples with Alexa Toolbar installed and thus Alexa Rank improves .

Some Points Above Alexa Ranking

1. A lot of Advertisers now prefer Alexa Rank while approving your website to show their Ads .For example :- BuySellAds
2. If your site is having low Alexa Rank then it simply means that you are not updating it regularly .Try to post frequently ( Daily ) .
3.  Alexa rank improves with the increment of your website traffic so you need to work hard over it .
Final Conclusion
I will say Alexa Rank matters more then Google PR.
Because I can give you example of many website which are not having any back links,good content and much knowledge of SEO but their Page Rank is at least 2 . So we can say PR depends on age of your domain while Alexa depends upon your website traffic . So concentrate on Alexa Rank more then Google Page Rank . If you are Blogging in a niche where Webmasters doesn’t come and having Alexa Rank below 1 Lac , then it simply means you are having great traffic . However Page Rank helps a lot to get Paid Posts/ Reviews for Techno Bloggers .
That was my view from my experience but I would like to know from you. So kindly take time to share your experience with Google PR and Alexa Rank . 

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